North Texas Sweet

North Texas Sweet Price

DatePrice US$ per bblPrice US $ per MTLong TonsUS Gallons,$

North Texas Sweet Historical price

  • In 2017 maximum price $56 per bbl (2017-12-28)
  • In 2018 maximum price $42 per bbl (2018-12-31)
  • In 2019 maximum price $58 per bbl (2019-12-31)
  • In 2020 maximum price $45 per bbl (2020-12-31)
  • In 2021 maximum price $74 per bbl (2021-12-30)
  • In 2022 maximum price $77 per bbl (2022-12-30)
  • In 2023 maximum price $75 per bbl (2023-02-16)

North Texas Sweet Crude Oil: A Comprehensive Guide

North Texas Sweet Crude Oil is a type of light crude oil that is produced in the North Texas region. This type of crude oil is known for its low sulfur content, which makes it a high-quality oil that is in high demand by refineries.

Properties of North Texas Sweet Crude Oil

North Texas Sweet Crude Oil is a light crude oil that has a low density and low viscosity compared to other types of crude oil. This makes it easier to transport and refine into various products, such as gasoline, diesel, and jet fuel.

Another characteristic of North Texas Sweet Crude Oil is its low sulfur content. Sulfur is a naturally occurring element in crude oil, but high levels of sulfur can cause environmental pollution and damage to refining equipment. North Texas Sweet Crude Oil has a sulfur content of less than 0.5%, which is significantly lower than other types of crude oil.

The Importance of North Texas Sweet Crude Oil

North Texas Sweet Crude Oil is an important resource for the energy industry due to its high quality and low sulfur content. Refineries prefer to use North Texas Sweet Crude Oil as a feedstock because it requires less processing to remove the sulfur, which results in a higher yield of high-value products. This makes North Texas Sweet Crude Oil a more cost-effective option for refineries.

In addition, the low sulfur content of North Texas Sweet Crude Oil makes it a more environmentally friendly option compared to other types of crude oil. The production and use of North Texas Sweet Crude Oil helps to reduce the amount of sulfur emissions, which is beneficial for both the environment and public health.

The Production of North Texas Sweet Crude Oil

North Texas Sweet Crude Oil is produced from oil wells in the North Texas region, which is one of the largest oil-producing regions in the United States. The production of North Texas Sweet Crude Oil involves drilling wells and extracting the oil from underground reservoirs. The oil is then transported to refineries for processing.

The production of North Texas Sweet Crude Oil is an important contributor to the local economy. The oil and gas industry provides jobs and generates tax revenue for the state, which benefits the local community. In addition, the production of North Texas Sweet Crude Oil helps to reduce the country's dependence on foreign oil, which is an important factor in the energy security of the United States.


North Texas Sweet Crude Oil is a high-quality, low sulfur crude oil that is produced in the North Texas region. Its properties make it an important resource for the energy industry, as it is easier to transport and refine into high-value products. The low sulfur content of North Texas Sweet Crude Oil makes it a more environmentally friendly option compared to other types of crude oil. The production of North Texas Sweet Crude Oil is an important contributor to the local economy and helps to reduce the country's dependence on foreign oil.

Frequently Asked Questions

What is the difference between North Texas Sweet Crude Oil and other types of crude oil?

North Texas Sweet Crude Oil is a lighter, lower sulfur content crude oil compared to other types of crude oil. Its lower density and viscosity make it easier to transport and refine, while its lower sulfur content makes it a more environmentally friendly option.

How is North Texas Sweet Crude Oil transported?

North Texas Sweet Crude Oil is transported via pipelines and rail cars to refineries. It is also sometimes transported by truck, but this is less common due to the high volume of oil produced in the region.

How is North Texas Sweet Crude Oil priced?

The price of North Texas Sweet Crude Oil is determined by supply and demand, like any other commodity. However, it typically trades at a premium to other types of crude oil due to its high quality and low sulfur content.

What are the environmental benefits of using North Texas Sweet Crude Oil?

The low sulfur content of North Texas Sweet Crude Oil results in lower emissions of sulfur dioxide, which is a major contributor to air pollution. This makes it a more environmentally friendly option compared to other types of crude oil.

What is the economic impact of the production of North Texas Sweet Crude Oil?

The production of North Texas Sweet Crude Oil is an important contributor to the local and national economy. It provides jobs, generates tax revenue, and helps to reduce the country's dependence on foreign oil. The energy industry is also a major buyer of goods and services from other industries, which helps to support the overall economy.

Sources of Information

All of the information presented in this article has been researched and verified using credible sources. We have consulted industry publications, academic journals, and reports from government agencies to ensure that the information presented is accurate and up-to-date.

Here are some of the sources we used to create this article:

We encourage our readers to also consult these sources to gain a deeper understanding of North Texas Sweet Crude Oil and the energy industry as a whole.


North Texas Sweet Crude Oil is a high-quality crude oil that has become an important part of the energy industry in the United States. Its low sulfur content and high quality make it a desirable option for refiners and end-users alike. With its production on the rise in recent years, it is important for consumers to understand the benefits and challenges of this important resource. We hope that this article has provided a helpful overview of North Texas Sweet Crude Oil and its importance in the energy industry.

Thank you for reading!

Max Krutov

Max Krutov

Graduated from MSU, Moscow. Seller CIF.

Buyers and sellers Crude Oil