Peace Sour

Peace Sour Price

DatePrice US$ per bblPrice US $ per MTLong TonsUS Gallons,$

Peace Sour Historical price

  • In 2017 maximum price $42 per bbl (2017-12-28)
  • In 2018 maximum price $38 per bbl (2018-12-28)
  • In 2019 maximum price $51 per bbl (2019-12-30)
  • In 2020 maximum price $41 per bbl (2020-12-30)
  • In 2021 maximum price $69 per bbl (2021-12-31)
  • In 2022 maximum price $73 per bbl (2022-12-29)
  • In 2023 maximum price $73 per bbl (2023-02-16)

Understanding Peace Sour Crude Oil

Crude oil is a complex mixture of hydrocarbons and is a crucial resource for energy production and the manufacture of various consumer goods. While most crude oils are similar in composition, there are different types of crude oil that are categorized based on their characteristics, such as gravity, sulfur content, and acidity. One of the less commonly known types of crude oil is Peace Sour crude oil.

What is Peace Sour Crude Oil?

Peace Sour crude oil is a heavy and sour crude oil that is primarily extracted from the Peace River oil sands in northern Alberta, Canada. The oil sands are a vast reserve of heavy crude oil that is mixed with sand, clay, and water. Peace Sour crude oil is known for its high acidity, high sulfur content, and high density, making it one of the heaviest and most sour crude oils in the world.

Characteristics of Peace Sour Crude Oil

Peace Sour crude oil has a high sulfur content, which is a characteristic that makes it more corrosive and more difficult to refine than other types of crude oil. The high sulfur content also makes the crude oil more polluting, as it emits higher levels of sulfur dioxide (SO2) when burned.

The high acidity of Peace Sour crude oil can also cause problems in refining, as it can cause corrosion in pipelines and refining equipment. This requires additional processing and treatment to remove the acidity and to make the crude oil safe for refining.

Peace Sour crude oil also has a high density, which means that it requires more energy to pump and transport than other types of crude oil. This high density also makes it more difficult to refine, as it requires more processing to convert it into useful products such as gasoline, diesel, and other fuels.

Benefits of Peace Sour Crude Oil

Despite its challenges, Peace Sour crude oil offers several benefits. One of the main benefits of Peace Sour crude oil is its abundance. The Peace River oil sands are one of the largest reserves of heavy crude oil in the world, and there is a significant amount of Peace Sour crude oil available for extraction.

Another benefit of Peace Sour crude oil is that it can be processed into a wide range of useful products, including gasoline, diesel, and other fuels. This means that the crude oil can be used to meet the growing demand for energy and to produce various consumer goods.

Challenges of Peace Sour Crude Oil

One of the main challenges of Peace Sour crude oil is its high sulfur content and high acidity, which make it more difficult to refine and more polluting. This requires additional processing and treatment to make the crude oil safe for refining and to reduce its impact on the environment.

Another challenge of Peace Sour crude oil is its high density, which makes it more difficult to pump and transport. This can increase the cost of extracting and processing the crude oil, which can impact its competitiveness with other types of crude oil.


Peace Sour crude oil is a unique type of crude oil that offers several benefits but also presents challenges. Its high sulfur content and high acidity make it more difficult to refine and more polluting, while its high density makes it more difficult to pump and transport. Despite these challenges, Peace Sour crude oil is an abundant resource that can be used to meet the growing demand for energy and to produce various consumer goods.

Understanding Peace Sour Crude Oil

Crude oil is a complex mixture of hydrocarbons and is a crucial resource for energy production and the manufacture of various consumer goods. While most crude oils are similar in composition, there are different types of crude oil that are categorized based on their characteristics, such as gravity, sulfur content, and acidity. One of the less commonly known types of crude oil is Peace Sour crude oil.

What is Peace Sour Crude Oil?

Peace Sour crude oil is a heavy and sour crude oil that is primarily extracted from the Peace River oil sands in northern Alberta, Canada. The oil sands are a vast reserve of heavy crude oil that is mixed with sand, clay, and water. Peace Sour crude oil is known for its high acidity, high sulfur content, and high density, making it one of the heaviest and most sour crude oils in the world.

Characteristics of Peace Sour Crude Oil

Peace Sour crude oil has a high sulfur content, which is a characteristic that makes it more corrosive and more difficult to refine than other types of crude oil. The high sulfur content also makes the crude oil more polluting, as it emits higher levels of sulfur dioxide (SO2) when burned.

The high acidity of Peace Sour crude oil can also cause problems in refining, as it can cause corrosion in pipelines and refining equipment. This requires additional processing and treatment to remove the acidity and to make the crude oil safe for refining.

Peace Sour crude oil also has a high density, which means that it requires more energy to pump and transport than other types of crude oil. This high density also makes it more difficult to refine, as it requires more processing to convert it into useful products such as gasoline, diesel, and other fuels.

Benefits of Peace Sour Crude Oil

Despite its challenges, Peace Sour crude oil offers several benefits. One of the main benefits of Peace Sour crude oil is its abundance. The Peace River oil sands are one of the largest reserves of heavy crude oil in the world, and there is a significant amount of Peace Sour crude oil available for extraction.

Another benefit of Peace Sour crude oil is that it can be processed into a wide range of useful products, including gasoline, diesel, and other fuels. This means that the crude oil can be used to meet the growing demand for energy and to produce various consumer goods.

Challenges of Peace Sour Crude Oil

One of the main challenges of Peace Sour crude oil is its high sulfur content and high acidity, which make it more difficult to refine and more polluting. This requires additional processing and treatment to make the crude oil safe for refining and to reduce its impact on the environment.

Another challenge of Peace Sour crude oil is its high density, which makes it more difficult to pump and transport. This can increase the cost of extracting and processing the crude oil, which can impact its competitiveness with other types of crude oil.

Frequently Asked Questions

Is Peace Sour crude oil used for anything other than fuel production?

A: Yes, Peace Sour crude oil can be used for various industrial and consumer products such as lubricants, asphalt, and petrochemicals.

What is the difference between Peace Sour crude oil and other types of crude oil?

A: Peace Sour crude oil has a higher sulfur content, higher acidity, and higher density compared to other types of crude oil. These characteristics make it more challenging to refine and more polluting when burned.

How is Peace Sour crude oil extracted and processed?

A: Peace Sour crude oil is primarily extracted from the oil sands in northern Alberta, Canada, using a combination of mining and in-situ techniques. The crude oil is then processed and refined to remove impurities and convert it into usable products such as gasoline and diesel.

Sources of Information

The information in this article was gathered from various sources, including industry publications, government reports, and academic research. Here are some of the main sources used to write this article:

  • Alberta Energy Regulator (AER)
  • Canadian Association of Petroleum Producers (CAPP)
  • Natural Resources Canada
  • Oil Sands Magazine

We encourage readers to do their own research and to consult with experts in the field for more information on Peace Sour crude oil and other types of crude oil. The oil and gas industry is a complex and ever-changing field, and it is important to stay up-to-date on the latest developments and trends.

In conclusion, while Peace Sour crude oil presents certain challenges due to its high sulfur content, high acidity, and high density, it remains a valuable resource for energy production and the manufacture of consumer goods. As the demand for energy continues to grow, it is essential to explore and develop a diverse range of energy sources, including both conventional and unconventional resources such as Peace Sour crude oil.

Max Krutov

Max Krutov

Graduated from MSU, Moscow. Seller CIF.

Buyers and sellers Crude Oil