Diesel 480 - 650F from Bonga crude oil assay

  1. Butane and Lighter IBP - 60F
  2. Diesel 480 - 650F
  3. Hvy Naphtha 165 - 330F
  4. Kerosene 330 - 480F
  5. Lt. Naphtha C5 - 165F
  6. Vacuum Gas Oil 650 - 1000F
  7. Vacuum Residue 1000F+
ParameterDiesel 480 - 650F
Cut volume, %24.8254
API Gravity, 27.0077
Specific Gravity (60/60F), 0.892701
Carbon, wt %87.3107
Hydrogen, wt %12.4552
Pour point, F-16.5087
Neutralization number (TAN), MG/GM0.53038
Sulfur, wt%0.204647
Viscosity at 20C/68F, cSt10.1115
Viscosity at 40C/104F, cSt5.3705
Viscosity at 50C/122F, cSt4.15514
Mercaptan sulfur, ppm1.54829
Nitrogen, ppm127.361
CCR, wt%-1
N-Heptane Insolubles (C7 Asphaltenes), wt%-1
Nickel, ppm-1
Vanadium, ppm-1
Calcium, ppm-1
Reid Vapor Pressure (RVP) Whole Crude, psi-1
Hydrogen Sulfide (dissolved), ppm-1
Salt content, ptb-1
Paraffins, vol %15.2867
Naphthenes, vol %49.9356
Aromatics (FIA), vol %34.7777
Distillation type, TBP-1
IBP, F480.886
5 vol%, F488.801
10 vol%, F497.537
20 vol%, F514.829
30 vol%, F531.851
40 vol%, F548.586
50 vol%, F565.104
60 vol%, F581.552
70 vol%, F598.114
80 vol%, F614.963
90 vol%, F632.225
95 vol%, F641.042
EP, F649.099
Freeze point, F-2.5061
Smoke point, mm13.2669
Naphthalenes (D1840), vol%8.97841
Viscosity at 100C/212F, cSt1.66554
Viscosity at 150C/302F, cSt0.936033
Cetane Index 1990 (D4737), 38.4681
Cloud point, F-11.5359
Aniline pt, F130.986
Max Krutov

Max Krutov

Graduated from MSU, Moscow. Seller CIF.

Buyers and sellers Crude Oil