Iran Heavy

Iran Heavy Price

DatePrice US$ per bblPrice US $ per MTLong TonsUS Gallons,$

Iran Heavy Historical price

  • In 2017 maximum price $62 per bbl (2017-12-29)
  • In 2018 maximum price $49 per bbl (2018-12-27)
  • In 2019 maximum price $62 per bbl (2019-12-31)
  • In 2020 maximum price $47 per bbl (2020-12-31)
  • In 2021 maximum price $74 per bbl (2021-12-31)
  • In 2022 maximum price $80 per bbl (2022-12-30)
  • In 2023 maximum price $81 per bbl (2023-02-16)

Iran Heavy Crude Oil: The Key to Unlocking Global Energy Markets

Iran is one of the world's largest oil producers, with a rich history of petroleum exploration and production. The country is home to a vast array of oil reserves, including significant reserves of heavy crude oil. This type of oil is prized for its high energy content, which makes it ideal for producing a range of products, including gasoline, diesel fuel, and jet fuel.

In this article, we will explore the significance of Iran's heavy crude oil, and how it can help to unlock the global energy markets.

Understanding Heavy Crude Oil

Heavy crude oil is a type of oil that is denser and thicker than conventional crude oil. This means that it requires more energy and specialized equipment to extract, refine, and transport. Despite these challenges, heavy crude oil is an important source of energy, as it contains a higher energy content per barrel than conventional crude oil.

The high energy content of heavy crude oil makes it ideal for use in the production of gasoline, diesel fuel, and jet fuel. This is why it is such an important resource for countries like Iran, which have large reserves of this type of oil.

The Significance of Iran's Heavy Crude Oil

Iran's heavy crude oil is of significant importance, not just for the country but also for the global energy markets. The country's large reserves of heavy crude oil make it one of the world's leading producers of this valuable resource.

In addition to its large reserves, Iran's heavy crude oil is also of high quality. This means that it can be easily refined into a range of high-value products, making it an attractive option for oil refineries around the world.

Furthermore, Iran's strategic location at the crossroads of Asia, Europe, and Africa makes it an ideal hub for the transportation of heavy crude oil. The country's ports and pipelines are well-developed, providing easy access to global markets, including the growing energy markets in Asia.

Unlocking the Global Energy Markets

Iran's heavy crude oil has the potential to play a key role in unlocking the global energy markets. With its large reserves and high-quality heavy crude oil, Iran can help to meet the growing demand for energy in the region.

In addition, Iran's strategic location and well-developed transportation infrastructure make it an ideal hub for the export of heavy crude oil to global markets. This can help to diversify the global energy supply, reducing dependence on a limited number of oil-producing countries.


In conclusion, Iran's heavy crude oil is a valuable resource with the potential to unlock the global energy markets. With its large reserves, high-quality heavy crude oil, and well-developed transportation infrastructure, Iran is well-positioned to play a key role in meeting the growing demand for energy in the region and around the world.

So, whether you are an energy company looking to expand into new markets, or a government seeking to diversify its energy supply, Iran's heavy crude oil is a resource that should not be overlooked.

Frequently Asked Questions About Iran Heavy Crude Oil

Here are some frequently asked questions about Iran's heavy crude oil, which can help you to better understand this valuable resource.

What is Heavy Crude Oil?

Heavy crude oil is a type of oil that is denser and thicker than conventional crude oil. It requires more energy and specialized equipment to extract, refine, and transport, but it also contains a higher energy content per barrel than conventional crude oil. This makes it an important source of energy for countries like Iran, which have large reserves of this type of oil.

What Makes Iran's Heavy Crude Oil Significant?

Iran's heavy crude oil is significant for several reasons. Firstly, the country has large reserves of this type of oil, making it one of the world's leading producers. Secondly, Iran's heavy crude oil is of high quality, meaning that it can be easily refined into a range of high-value products. Finally, Iran's strategic location and well-developed transportation infrastructure make it an ideal hub for the export of heavy crude oil to global markets.

Why is Heavy Crude Oil Important for the Global Energy Markets?

Heavy crude oil is important for the global energy markets because it contains a higher energy content per barrel than conventional crude oil. This makes it ideal for use in the production of gasoline, diesel fuel, and jet fuel. With its large reserves and high-quality heavy crude oil, Iran has the potential to play a key role in unlocking the global energy markets and meeting the growing demand for energy in the region and around the world.

How is Heavy Crude Oil Extracted and Refined?

Heavy crude oil is extracted from the ground in a similar way to conventional crude oil, but it requires more energy and specialized equipment to do so. Once extracted, heavy crude oil is typically transported to a refinery, where it is processed to produce a range of high-value products, including gasoline, diesel fuel, and jet fuel.

What are the Benefits of Iran's Heavy Crude Oil for Energy Companies?

For energy companies, Iran's heavy crude oil offers several benefits. Firstly, the country has large reserves of this type of oil, which can provide a reliable and long-term source of supply. Secondly, Iran's heavy crude oil is of high quality, meaning that it can be easily refined into a range of high-value products. Finally, Iran's well-developed transportation infrastructure makes it an ideal hub for the export of heavy crude oil to global markets, providing easy access to growing energy markets in Asia and beyond.

Further Information and Resources

If you would like to learn more about Iran's heavy crude oil and its significance in the global energy markets, there are a number of resources available online. Here are some of the best places to start your research:

Iran's Ministry of Petroleum

The Iran Ministry of Petroleum is the government agency responsible for the country's oil and gas sector. Its website provides comprehensive information about Iran's heavy crude oil, including production statistics, export data, and information about the country's refining capacity.

International Energy Agency (IEA)

The International Energy Agency is an intergovernmental organization that provides data, analysis, and recommendations on global energy issues. Its website contains a wealth of information about heavy crude oil and its role in the global energy markets, including production data, market trends, and policy recommendations.

Energy Information Administration (EIA)

The Energy Information Administration is the statistical and analytical branch of the US Department of Energy. Its website provides detailed information about heavy crude oil, including production and consumption data, market trends, and information about the refining process.

Oil Price

Oil Price is a leading website for news, analysis, and data on the global oil and gas markets. Its website contains a wealth of information about heavy crude oil, including market trends, production statistics, and news about major players in the industry.

By using these resources, you can gain a better understanding of Iran's heavy crude oil and its role in the global energy markets. Whether you are an energy professional, an investor, or simply interested in the world of energy, these resources can help you stay informed and make informed decisions.

Max Krutov

Max Krutov

Graduated from MSU, Moscow. Seller CIF.

Buyers and sellers Crude Oil