Forozan Blend

Forozan Blend Price

DatePrice US$ per bblPrice US $ per MTLong TonsUS Gallons,$

Forozan Blend Historical price

  • In 2017 maximum price $63 per bbl (2017-12-29)
  • In 2018 maximum price $49 per bbl (2018-12-27)
  • In 2019 maximum price $62 per bbl (2019-12-31)
  • In 2020 maximum price $47 per bbl (2020-12-31)
  • In 2021 maximum price $75 per bbl (2021-12-31)
  • In 2022 maximum price $80 per bbl (2022-12-30)
  • In 2023 maximum price $81 per bbl (2023-02-16)

The Power of Forozan Blend Crude Oil

Forozan Blend crude oil is a high-quality crude oil that is sought after by many refineries and oil companies around the world. This type of crude oil is known for its superior quality and is considered to be one of the best options for producing high-quality petroleum products. In this article, we will delve into the characteristics and benefits of Forozan Blend crude oil, and why it is considered to be a top choice for many oil companies.

Understanding the Characteristics of Forozan Blend Crude Oil

Forozan Blend crude oil is a light and sweet crude oil that is extracted from the Forozan oil field in Iran. The high-quality characteristics of this crude oil are due to its low sulfur content and high API gravity. The low sulfur content of Forozan Blend crude oil makes it a preferred choice for many refineries, as it is easier to process and produces fewer emissions. Additionally, the high API gravity of this crude oil means that it contains a higher proportion of light hydrocarbons, making it easier to refine into gasoline and diesel.

The Benefits of Using Forozan Blend Crude Oil

There are several benefits to using Forozan Blend crude oil in the refining process. Firstly, because of its low sulfur content, Forozan Blend crude oil is considered to be a cleaner option, and produces fewer emissions when compared to other types of crude oil. This makes it a more environmentally-friendly option for refineries, and it also helps to reduce the impact of oil production on the environment.

Another benefit of Forozan Blend crude oil is that it is easier to refine into high-quality petroleum products. The light and sweet characteristics of this crude oil make it a preferred choice for many refineries, as it produces a higher yield of gasoline and diesel, and results in fewer residues during the refining process.

Finally, Forozan Blend crude oil is also considered to be a more cost-effective option for refineries. Because it is easier to refine and produces fewer emissions, refineries are able to save on operating costs when using this type of crude oil.

Why Choose Forozan Blend Crude Oil

Forozan Blend crude oil is a top choice for many oil companies due to its high-quality characteristics and the benefits it offers in the refining process. Whether you are looking for a cleaner, more environmentally-friendly option, or a cost-effective and high-quality choice for your refining needs, Forozan Blend crude oil is an excellent option to consider.


In conclusion, Forozan Blend crude oil is a high-quality crude oil that is sought after by many refineries and oil companies around the world. With its low sulfur content, high API gravity, and ability to produce high-quality petroleum products, it is a top choice for many. Whether you are looking for a cleaner, more environmentally-friendly option or a cost-effective choice, Forozan Blend crude oil is a great choice to consider.

List of Benefits of Forozan Blend Crude Oil

  • Low sulfur content, making it a cleaner option
  • High API gravity, resulting in a higher yield of gasoline and diesel
  • Easier to refine, reducing operating costs for refineries
  • Considered to be a more environmentally-friendly option
  • High-quality petroleum products produced with fewer residues during the refining process.

Frequently Asked Questions About Forozan Blend Crude Oil

  1. What is the difference between light and heavy crude oil, and how does Forozan Blend crude oil fit into this classification?

Light crude oil is typically characterized by its low density and low sulfur content, while heavy crude oil is denser and has a higher sulfur content. Forozan Blend crude oil is considered to be a light crude oil due to its low sulfur content and high API gravity. This means that it is easier to refine into high-quality petroleum products, and produces fewer emissions during the refining process.

  1. What makes Forozan Blend crude oil a preferred choice for many refineries?

Forozan Blend crude oil is a preferred choice for many refineries due to its high-quality characteristics and the benefits it offers in the refining process. Its low sulfur content and high API gravity make it easier to refine and produces high-quality petroleum products with fewer residues. Additionally, it is a more cost-effective option for refineries, as it reduces operating costs and produces fewer emissions.

  1. How is Forozan Blend crude oil extracted and transported?

Forozan Blend crude oil is extracted from the Forozan oil field in Iran, using a variety of methods including drilling and pumping. It is then transported through pipelines, tankers, or other means to refineries and other facilities around the world.

  1. Is Forozan Blend crude oil environmentally-friendly?

Forozan Blend crude oil is considered to be a more environmentally-friendly option for refineries, as it produces fewer emissions during the refining process. Additionally, its low sulfur content makes it a cleaner option when compared to other types of crude oil.

  1. What types of petroleum products can be produced using Forozan Blend crude oil?

Forozan Blend crude oil can be refined into a variety of high-quality petroleum products, including gasoline, diesel, jet fuel, and lubricants. Its high API gravity and low sulfur content make it a preferred choice for producing these products, as they are easier to refine and produce higher yields.


Forozan Blend crude oil is a high-quality crude oil that offers a variety of benefits to refineries and oil companies around the world. Its low sulfur content, high API gravity, and ability to produce high-quality petroleum products make it a preferred choice for many in the industry. Additionally, it is considered to be a more environmentally-friendly option, and is a cost-effective choice for refineries. With its numerous benefits and superior quality, Forozan Blend crude oil is a great option to consider for your refining needs.

Sources of Information

All the information in this article has been researched and written based on reputable sources, including:

  • a leading source of energy news and analysis, providing expert coverage of the latest developments in the industry.

  • Energy Information Administration (EIA): a government agency that collects, analyzes, and disseminates energy information to promote sound policymaking and efficient markets.

  • National Iranian Oil Company (NIOC): the state-owned company responsible for the exploration, production, and sale of oil and gas in Iran.

By referring to these sources, we ensure that the information presented in this article is accurate and up-to-date. If you would like to learn more about Forozan Blend crude oil or the oil and gas industry in general, we encourage you to visit these sources for further information.


Forozan Blend crude oil is a high-quality crude oil that has gained popularity in the oil and gas industry due to its superior characteristics and cost-effectiveness. It is a preferred choice for many refineries and oil companies, as it produces high-quality petroleum products with fewer emissions and residues. By understanding the unique properties of Forozan Blend crude oil, you can make an informed decision on its suitability for your refining needs. We hope this article has provided you with valuable insights into this exceptional crude oil.

Max Krutov

Max Krutov

Graduated from MSU, Moscow. Seller CIF.

Buyers and sellers Crude Oil