Oklahoma Intermediate

Oklahoma Intermediate Price

DatePrice US$ per bblPrice US $ per MTLong TonsUS Gallons,$

Oklahoma Intermediate Historical price

  • In 2017 maximum price $56 per bbl (2017-12-28)
  • In 2018 maximum price $41 per bbl (2018-12-31)
  • In 2019 maximum price $57 per bbl (2019-12-31)
  • In 2020 maximum price $44 per bbl (2020-12-31)
  • In 2021 maximum price $73 per bbl (2021-12-30)
  • In 2022 maximum price $77 per bbl (2022-12-30)
  • In 2023 maximum price $75 per bbl (2023-02-16)

Oklahoma Intermediate Crude Oil: An Overview

Oklahoma Intermediate crude oil is a type of crude oil that is produced in Oklahoma, United States. It is known for its unique characteristics and quality, making it an important contributor to the global oil industry. In this article, we will dive into the details of Oklahoma Intermediate crude oil, its production process, and its significance in the oil market.

Characteristics of Oklahoma Intermediate Crude Oil

Oklahoma Intermediate crude oil is a light sweet crude oil, with a low sulfur content. This means that it has a lower density and viscosity compared to other types of crude oil, making it easier to refine and process. The light sweet characteristics of Oklahoma Intermediate crude oil result in a higher yield of gasoline and diesel, making it a highly sought after commodity in the oil market.

Another important characteristic of Oklahoma Intermediate crude oil is its consistency. Unlike other types of crude oil that can vary in quality and composition, Oklahoma Intermediate crude oil is known for its consistent quality and composition, making it a reliable source for refineries.

Production Process of Oklahoma Intermediate Crude Oil

Oklahoma Intermediate crude oil is produced through conventional drilling methods, as well as hydraulic fracturing or "fracking." Fracking involves injecting a mixture of water, sand, and chemicals into the ground to release the oil from the rock formations. The extracted oil is then transported to refineries for processing.

Significance of Oklahoma Intermediate Crude Oil in the Oil Market

Oklahoma Intermediate crude oil is an important contributor to the global oil industry, providing a reliable and consistent source of light sweet crude oil. The light sweet characteristics of Oklahoma Intermediate crude oil make it a highly sought after commodity in the oil market, as it results in a higher yield of gasoline and diesel.

In addition, the consistent quality and composition of Oklahoma Intermediate crude oil make it a reliable source for refineries, helping to meet the increasing demand for fuel. With the rise in global oil consumption, Oklahoma Intermediate crude oil plays a crucial role in meeting the energy needs of the world.


In conclusion, Oklahoma Intermediate crude oil is a unique type of crude oil that is produced in Oklahoma, United States. Its light sweet characteristics, consistency, and reliability make it an important contributor to the global oil industry. Whether you are an oil producer, refinery, or consumer, understanding the significance of Oklahoma Intermediate crude oil is crucial in navigating the oil market.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

Here are some frequently asked questions about Oklahoma Intermediate crude oil:

1. What is the price of Oklahoma Intermediate crude oil?

The price of Oklahoma Intermediate crude oil varies depending on global market conditions and supply and demand. However, it is usually priced slightly below the benchmark West Texas Intermediate (WTI) crude oil, as it is a lower quality crude.

2. How is Oklahoma Intermediate crude oil transported?

Oklahoma Intermediate crude oil is typically transported by pipeline, truck, or rail to refineries for processing. Pipelines are the most common method of transportation, as they are more efficient and cost-effective compared to other methods.

3. How is Oklahoma Intermediate crude oil different from other types of crude oil?

Oklahoma Intermediate crude oil is a light sweet crude oil, with a lower density and viscosity compared to other types of crude oil. It also has a low sulfur content, making it easier to refine and process. The consistency and reliability of Oklahoma Intermediate crude oil make it a desirable commodity in the oil market.

4. How does the production of Oklahoma Intermediate crude oil impact the environment?

The production of Oklahoma Intermediate crude oil, like any other type of crude oil, has environmental impacts. The process of hydraulic fracturing or "fracking" involves the injection of chemicals and water into the ground, which can contaminate water sources and contribute to air pollution. It is important for oil producers to adhere to strict environmental regulations and practices to minimize these impacts.

5. Is Oklahoma Intermediate crude oil renewable or non-renewable?

Oklahoma Intermediate crude oil is a non-renewable resource, meaning that it is a finite resource that will eventually be depleted. It is important for the oil industry to explore and invest in renewable energy sources to meet the increasing energy demands of the world while reducing reliance on non-renewable resources.

Final Thoughts

Oklahoma Intermediate crude oil is a unique type of crude oil that plays an important role in the global oil industry. Its light sweet characteristics, consistency, and reliability make it a highly sought after commodity in the market. As we navigate the complexities of the energy industry, understanding the significance and impact of Oklahoma Intermediate crude oil is crucial for informed decision making.

Sources of Information

At [company name], we strive to provide our readers with accurate and up-to-date information on the topics we cover. To ensure the credibility of our content, we rely on reputable sources such as:

  • The United States Energy Information Administration (EIA)
  • The American Petroleum Institute (API)
  • The International Energy Agency (IEA)
  • The Organization of the Petroleum Exporting Countries (OPEC)

We also consult with industry experts and professionals to provide insights and perspectives on the topics we cover. Our goal is to provide comprehensive and reliable information to our readers, and we are committed to upholding the highest standards of journalistic integrity.

If you have any questions or concerns about the information presented in this article, please feel free to contact us. We welcome feedback and strive to provide the best possible content to our readers.

Max Krutov

Max Krutov

Graduated from MSU, Moscow. Seller CIF.

Buyers and sellers Crude Oil