Domestic Swt. @ Cushing

Domestic Swt. @ Cushing Price

DatePrice US$ per bblPrice US $ per MTLong TonsUS Gallons,$

Domestic Swt. @ Cushing Historical price

  • In 2017 maximum price $57 per bbl (2017-12-28)
  • In 2018 maximum price $42 per bbl (2018-12-31)
  • In 2019 maximum price $58 per bbl (2019-12-31)
  • In 2020 maximum price $45 per bbl (2020-12-31)
  • In 2021 maximum price $74 per bbl (2021-12-30)
  • In 2022 maximum price $77 per bbl (2022-12-30)
  • In 2023 maximum price $75 per bbl (2023-02-16)

Domestic Sweet @ Cushing Crude Oil

Cushing Crude Oil is a high-quality light sweet crude oil that is produced domestically in the United States. This type of crude oil is considered to be a benchmark for the pricing of oil in the country, as it is widely used in the refining process to produce gasoline, diesel, and other fuels. The Cushing crude oil market is considered to be one of the most transparent and well-established markets in the world, making it an attractive option for both producers and buyers alike.

Understanding the Characteristics of Domestic Sweet @ Cushing Crude Oil

Domestic Sweet @ Cushing Crude Oil is characterized by its low sulfur content, which makes it easier and more cost-effective to refine compared to other types of crude oil. The low sulfur content also means that the resulting fuels are cleaner and have a lower carbon footprint. In addition to its low sulfur content, Cushing Crude Oil also has a high API gravity, which is a measure of its density. The higher the API gravity, the lighter the crude oil and the easier it is to refine.

Another key characteristic of Domestic Sweet @ Cushing Crude Oil is its low pour point, which is the temperature at which the oil will begin to flow. This is important because it allows the oil to be pumped even in colder temperatures, making it a more versatile option for producers and buyers.

The Benefits of Using Domestic Sweet @ Cushing Crude Oil

The use of Domestic Sweet @ Cushing Crude Oil in the refining process has numerous benefits for both producers and buyers. One of the main benefits is the lower cost of production, as the low sulfur content and high API gravity make it easier and more cost-effective to refine. In addition, the resulting fuels are cleaner and have a lower carbon footprint, which is becoming increasingly important as concerns about the environment continue to grow.

Another benefit of using Domestic Sweet @ Cushing Crude Oil is its availability. As a domestic product, it is readily available to buyers and producers in the United States, reducing the need for imports and increasing energy security. This is particularly important in light of recent geopolitical tensions and the resulting uncertainty in the global oil market.

Finally, the transparency and well-established nature of the Cushing crude oil market make it an attractive option for both buyers and sellers. With a clear understanding of the price and quality of the crude oil, both parties can engage in transactions with confidence, knowing that they are getting a fair deal.


Domestic Sweet @ Cushing Crude Oil is a high-quality light sweet crude oil that is produced domestically in the United States. With its low sulfur content, high API gravity, and low pour point, it is easier and more cost-effective to refine compared to other types of crude oil. In addition, the resulting fuels are cleaner and have a lower carbon footprint. With its availability, transparency, and well-established market, Domestic Sweet @ Cushing Crude Oil is an attractive option for both producers and buyers.

Frequently Asked Questions about Domestic Sweet @ Cushing Crude Oil

  1. What is Domestic Sweet @ Cushing Crude Oil? Domestic Sweet @ Cushing Crude Oil is a high-quality light sweet crude oil that is produced domestically in the United States. It is characterized by its low sulfur content, high API gravity, and low pour point, making it easier and more cost-effective to refine compared to other types of crude oil.

  2. What makes Domestic Sweet @ Cushing Crude Oil unique? Domestic Sweet @ Cushing Crude Oil is unique because of its low sulfur content, which makes it easier and more cost-effective to refine and results in cleaner fuels with a lower carbon footprint. In addition, its high API gravity and low pour point make it a versatile option for producers and buyers.

  3. Why is Domestic Sweet @ Cushing Crude Oil considered a benchmark for oil pricing in the United States? Domestic Sweet @ Cushing Crude Oil is considered a benchmark for oil pricing in the United States because it is widely used in the refining process to produce gasoline, diesel, and other fuels. As a result, the Cushing crude oil market is considered to be one of the most transparent and well-established markets in the world.

  4. What are the benefits of using Domestic Sweet @ Cushing Crude Oil? The benefits of using Domestic Sweet @ Cushing Crude Oil include lower costs of production, a cleaner and lower carbon footprint, increased energy security, and transparency in the market. In addition, the availability of this domestic product reduces the need for imports.

  5. Why is the Cushing crude oil market considered attractive for both buyers and sellers? The Cushing crude oil market is considered attractive for both buyers and sellers because of its transparency and well-established nature. With a clear understanding of the price and quality of the crude oil, both parties can engage in transactions with confidence, knowing that they are getting a fair deal.


Domestic Sweet @ Cushing Crude Oil is a high-quality light sweet crude oil that is produced domestically in the United States. It is known for its low sulfur content, high API gravity, and low pour point, making it a popular choice for producers and buyers in the oil industry. This type of crude oil is considered a benchmark for oil pricing in the United States, and its transparency and well-established market make it an attractive option for both buyers and sellers.

This article has provided a comprehensive overview of Domestic Sweet @ Cushing Crude Oil, including its characteristics, benefits, and unique qualities. For more information on this topic, we recommend visiting the following resources:

These sources provide additional information and in-depth analysis on Domestic Sweet @ Cushing Crude Oil and the oil industry as a whole.

Max Krutov

Max Krutov

Graduated from MSU, Moscow. Seller CIF.

Buyers and sellers Crude Oil