Arkansas Sour

Arkansas Sour Price

DatePrice US$ per bblPrice US $ per MTLong TonsUS Gallons,$

Arkansas Sour Historical price

  • In 2017 maximum price $53 per bbl (2017-12-29)
  • In 2018 maximum price $37 per bbl (2018-12-27)
  • In 2019 maximum price $54 per bbl (2019-12-31)
  • In 2020 maximum price $41 per bbl (2020-12-31)
  • In 2021 maximum price $68 per bbl (2021-12-31)
  • In 2022 maximum price $71 per bbl (2022-12-22)
  • In 2023 maximum price $72 per bbl (2023-02-16)

Understanding Arkansas Sour Crude Oil

Crude oil is a vital component of the world's energy mix and is widely used in various industries, including power generation, transportation, and manufacturing. One type of crude oil that is commonly produced in the United States is Arkansas Sour Crude. In this article, we will delve into what Arkansas Sour Crude oil is, its properties, and how it is produced and processed.

What is Arkansas Sour Crude Oil?

Arkansas Sour Crude oil is a type of crude oil that is produced in the state of Arkansas, in the United States. As the name suggests, this type of crude oil has a high sulfur content, which is the main reason for its classification as sour crude. It is extracted from the various oil reservoirs located in the state and is known for its high acidity and low API gravity.

Properties of Arkansas Sour Crude Oil

The high sulfur content of Arkansas Sour Crude oil is what gives it its distinctive sour taste and smell. The acidity of this crude oil is also higher compared to other types of crude oil, making it more challenging to refine and process. In addition to its high sulfur and acidity levels, Arkansas Sour Crude oil also has a low API gravity, which is a measure of its density and ease of flowing.

How is Arkansas Sour Crude Oil Produced and Processed?

The production of Arkansas Sour Crude oil involves the extraction of oil from the various oil reservoirs located in the state. This oil is then transported to the refineries where it undergoes a series of processes to remove impurities and produce various petroleum products.

One of the main challenges in refining Arkansas Sour Crude oil is its high acidity levels. This requires the use of specialized equipment and techniques to ensure that the crude oil is properly treated and processed. The refining process typically involves the use of neutralization, desulfurization, and hydrocracking to remove impurities and produce high-quality petroleum products.

Benefits of Arkansas Sour Crude Oil

Despite its challenges, Arkansas Sour Crude oil has several benefits that make it an important part of the world's energy mix. One of the main advantages of this crude oil is its relatively low cost, which makes it an attractive option for many industries. In addition, the high sulfur content of this crude oil can also be used to produce sulfur, which is an important component in many industrial processes.


In conclusion, Arkansas Sour Crude oil is a type of crude oil that is produced in the state of Arkansas and is known for its high sulfur content, high acidity levels, and low API gravity. Despite its challenges, it remains an important part of the world's energy mix, providing cost-effective energy for various industries. With the right refining techniques and equipment, Arkansas Sour Crude oil can be transformed into high-quality petroleum products that help meet the world's energy needs.

Understanding Arkansas Sour Crude Oil - Continued

Frequently Asked Questions

  1. What makes Arkansas Sour Crude oil different from other types of crude oil? Arkansas Sour Crude oil is different from other types of crude oil due to its high sulfur content and high acidity levels. These unique properties make it more challenging to refine and process, but also provide certain advantages.

  2. How is the sulfur content of Arkansas Sour Crude oil measured? The sulfur content of Arkansas Sour Crude oil is measured in parts per million (ppm). The exact measurement can vary depending on the specific reservoir and the location of the extraction.

  3. How does the high acidity of Arkansas Sour Crude oil impact refining processes? The high acidity of Arkansas Sour Crude oil can make it more challenging to refine, as it requires specialized equipment and techniques to remove impurities and produce high-quality petroleum products.

  4. Can Arkansas Sour Crude oil be used for fuel or is it only used for industrial processes? Arkansas Sour Crude oil can be used for both fuel and industrial processes. It is used to produce various petroleum products, including gasoline, diesel, and jet fuel.

  5. How does the low API gravity of Arkansas Sour Crude oil impact its production and refining processes? The low API gravity of Arkansas Sour Crude oil makes it more dense and viscous, which can impact its ease of flowing and transportation. This can also impact the refining process, as it may require additional equipment and techniques to properly treat and process the crude oil.

In conclusion, Arkansas Sour Crude oil is an important part of the world's energy mix and provides cost-effective energy for various industries. With its unique properties and benefits, it remains a valuable resource for meeting the world's energy needs.

Understanding Arkansas Sour Crude Oil - Continued

Further Information and Resources

For those who are interested in learning more about Arkansas Sour Crude oil and its impact on the energy industry, there are many resources available online. Some of the top sources of information include industry reports, academic studies, and government reports.

One key resource is the website of the Energy Information Administration (EIA), which provides comprehensive data and analysis on energy production and consumption in the United States. The EIA's website is an excellent source of information on crude oil production, refining processes, and energy markets.

Another valuable resource is the American Petroleum Institute (API), which is a trade organization that represents the oil and natural gas industry. The API provides a wealth of information on crude oil production, including data on different types of crude oil, production trends, and refining processes.

For those who are interested in learning about the impact of Arkansas Sour Crude oil on the environment, the Environmental Defense Fund (EDF) is an excellent resource. The EDF is a leading advocacy group that works to promote sustainable energy and protect the environment. Their website provides detailed information on the environmental impact of crude oil production, as well as the efforts being made to reduce the impact.

Overall, there are many resources available for those who are interested in learning more about Arkansas Sour Crude oil and its impact on the energy industry. By taking the time to understand this important resource, we can all play a role in promoting a more sustainable energy future.

Max Krutov

Max Krutov

Graduated from MSU, Moscow. Seller CIF.

Buyers and sellers Crude Oil